Investor Relations

Loantap Credit Products Private Limited issues Rated, Listed, Secured, Redeemable, Principal Protected Non-Convertible Market Linked Debentures (MLDs) that have features of debt.
Please review the relevant offer document / Information Memorandum relating to the specific MLDs for details on the MLDs including their risk factors.
Loantap Credit Products Private Limited has appointed CARE Risk Solutions Private Limited as the third-party valuation agency for these MLDs.
The valuations of MLD issues are provided by CARE Risk Solutions Private Limited. This valuation report will be available at the following links:
The indicative valuation provided by the valuation agency is being provided in compliance with the Guidelines issued by the SEBI.
For the Quarter Ended 30.09.2021
For the Quarter Ended 31.12.2021
Financials with LRR For Qtr ended 30.06.2022
For the half year ended 30-09-2022
Financials with LRR for the Qtr Ended 31.12.2022
Notice of Board Meeting - Q2 - 30.09.2021
Notice of Board Meeting - Q3 - 31.12.2021
Notice of Board Meeting - Q4 - 31.03.2022
Notice of Board Meeting_ 25.06.2022
Notice of Board Meeting_ Q1_30.06.2022
Notice of Board Meeting_ Q2_30.09.2022
Notice of Board Meeting_ 24.09.2022
Notice of Board Meeting_ 03.11.2022
SE_Intimation_57(5)_Payment of Interest_Principal -11.10.2021
SE_Intimation_57(4)_Payment of Interest_Principal -11.10.2021
SE_Intimation_57(4)_Payment of Interest_Principal -22.03.2022
SE_Intimation_61(4)_PCS Certificate -12.04.2022
SE_Intimation_Compliances-Half Yearly Report_ISIN Details
SE_Intimation_7(3)_RTA Compliance Certificate -08.04.2022
SE_Intimation_51(2)_Resignation of CS -03.03.2023
SE_Intimation_57(4)_Payment of Interest_Principal -23.03.2023
Newspaper AD - Results - Q3 - 31.12.2021
Newspaper AD - Results -Q4 - 31.03.2022
Debenture Trustees:
MITCON Credentia Trusteeship Services Limited (MCTSL)
1402/1403, 14th Floor, Dalamal Tower, B-Wing, 211,
Free Press Journal Marg, Nariman Point,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400021
Contact: 022 22828200 / 22828240